Now Available for Sign-up
To my tastes at least, all but the best online video courses can be unsatisfying because there isn’t an interactive option. In turn, webinars promise that option but in practice lots of attendees negate any sense of intimacy, or a real feedback, interactive loop. So inspiring by a variety of reference points, I want to try something totally different!
Six participants besides myself is the cap for any of these EQ Learning Pod subject area options:
Executive Leadership
Manager-Led Workplace Culture
The Customer Experience (CX)
Market Research
Why six participants and no more? It fits Tom Peters’ suggestion that no work team should be bigger than what two large pizzas can feed (about six to seven people, typically). There’s a second reference point. A listener should ideally be within five feet of a speaker to hear well. Sitting almost shoulder to shoulder, that rule limits a group to no more than seven members. Adding in myself as the 7th member of a Learning Pod is as far as I want to go because a six-person group involves 15 different pairs of relationships. With a seven-person group that number balloons to 21 relationships, and after seven the number of relationships grows exponentially crazier and far less intimate. Finally, on my podcast I interviewed the virtual communications expert Nick Morgan. Asked what would be the ideal size of an online learning group, without hesitation – or prompting – Nick replied: “Six participants.”
Here’s how my EQ Learning Pods will work:
Each session is 45-minutes long, and will be scheduled for a time that is mutually convenient for every member of the pod. Early evenings or weekends could be among the options if that’s what participants prefer.
I will have sent a “teaser” graphic in advance as an introductory lead-in to the topic to be discussed. During the session, a small number of slides will be covered to allow for plenty of time for questions and answers, and discussion among the pod members.
Using the teaser as a prompt, every member should have ready at least one question that person wants to ask and/or a relevant situation or issue they want to raise (often from personal experience or given a challenge currently going on at work). Those questions and reference points will be essential to the learning pod session.
Each of the six Learning Pod subject area options will involve up to six sessions. You can opt to take any topic of interest or multiple, if so desired.
While I will lead the session and guide the discussion, the goal is for the pod members to form, in effect, an auxiliary core team that can be of benefit over-and-above the learning pod session itself. In other words, my hope is that the other pod members could become a resource. Everyone can lean on each other and their respective key skills and interests, going forward, as a sounding board that helps to fill in experience/skill “cavities” you might have. In that way, the value of the session might multiply and be sustained.
The cost per EQ Learning Pod session is $25 per participant. I will be offering up to six pods per topic area. Should you sign up for more than one pod session, the cost for additional pod sessions beyond your initial session drops to $20. That’s true even if you jump from one subject area to another, e.g., you chose a Manager-Led Workplace Culture pod session followed by one in Marketing.
Prior to payment and, for now, to signal your interest in the EQ Learning Pods approach and the subject area option or options of interest to you, please complete this form:
Sign up:
The insights I’ll provide arise from my 20+ years of research studies conducted for over 50% of the world’s top 100 companies, plus my eight books, speeches, books I’ve been influenced by, and what I’ve learned from hosting great authors on my podcast. I’ve distilled those learnings into slide decks, of which I’ll cover a select portion per session. Most of all, though, the goal is to also to be learning from each other in a spontaneous, in-the-moment sort of way!