Stage presence

Stage Presence
Dan has it, plus a rich command of varied subject matter all related to human nature and how emotions drive behavioral outcomes. For over 20 years now, around the world, Dan has enlightened and entertained business, academic, and non-profit audiences, as well as the general public, giving keynote speeches and guest lectures.

Who Are You?
Human beings are complex; we are both fascinating and frustrating, and often at the same time. Whether for the purposes of better understanding yourself or colleagues and teammates, this talk addresses two key sources of insights when it comes to behavior: people’s signature facial expressions, and their personality traits. Modeled on The Wizard of Oz characters, other celebrity examples are drawn from a pair of Dan’s books - Famous Faces Decoded: A Guidebook for Reading Others and Two Cheers for Democracy: How Emotions Drive Leadership Style.
A Picture Is Worth . . . Zero to 1,000 Words
Imagery matters; whether we’re talking about a painting, photograph, TV spot, print ad or a website, you only have a few seconds in which to create stopping power and make a lasting impression. Nobody is more qualified to detail what works and doesn’t work when it comes to imagery than Dan, the author of both First Blush: People’s Intuitive Reactions to Famous Art and About Face: The Secrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising.
Emotions, Inc.
Go with the flow; forget the slide decks. For variety’s sake, sometimes a one-on-one interview of Dan by an emcee or somebody within your organization can lead to a more unique, informal and fun event. Whether the focus is on business issues or on what’s happening in society at large, Dan can draw on insights reflected not only in Emotionomics: Leveraging Emotions for Business Success but also from his knowledge of topics as varied as politics, popular culture, and sports.
Workplace Leadership
Getting the most from your company’s personnel investment is crucial; company executives are looking to their divisional and HR leadership to improve on innovation, productivity, and retention. Achieving upgrades in those three vital ways will position the position the company for the future, boost profits, and hold down costs. In each case, there are emotionally-laden barriers to achieving these goals that rarely get acknowledged, let alone meaningfully addressed. This talk paves the way for that to happen by not only diagnosing the hindrances involved using Emotional Intelligence (EQ) as a guide, but also by offering specific, concrete solutions. Content is drawn from Dan’s latest book, Emotionomics 2.0.
In addition to delivering customized content, on request,
Dan is currently focused on giving the following talks:

No video can replicate the in-person experience, but here are snippets
from some of Dan’s recent presentations covering a variety of topics.


Dan has spoken in over 25 countries